10 Facts about Odors  01. Astias selene. The male butterfly can smell the smell Astias selene female for 11 miles. |  02. The dog in the nose 230 million olfactory cells, and we have - 10 - 11, that is twenty times less. |  03. However, the dog can not find what you generally do not smell. The Czechs, who until recently the only two manufacturers of explosives was not added to her odoriferous substances, greatly hampered the world's fight against terrorists. |  04. To coach your dog to apples is more difficult than for drugs. Dogs, coached by fruit, working in American airports, where the passage of small lots of fruit and vegetables is prohibited, so as not to import them from pests. |  05. Animals can not recognize and respond only to one person you want the smell. This occurs in part because that olfactory cells completely changed within a month. If dogs could distinguish only one flavor, you could produce, for example, smelling dollars, that would remove the problem of currency smuggling. |  06. The people are the most favorite smells of fresh bread, fresh cut grass and coffee. Smells of coffee and rolls not only excite the appetite, but also increase the desire to buy. So often in large stores smell of coffee and fresh pastries. |  07. Many animals have a favorite smell. In dogs, for example, is the smell of anise, a cat - valerian and peppermint, like lions good spirits. But the camel attracts smell of tobacco smoke. |  08. French perfume database includes in its catalog of more than 8,000 titles. Modern perfumes may contain 300 different ingredients. To create a perfume used by more than 6000 items of various raw materials. |  09. Citizen living in the middle of bustling civilization, does not feel up to 70% of the city smells. African, living in the wild, able to smell the her friend, passed on a forest path some days ago. |  10. It is known that the body distinguishes one from another scent in the olfactory bulb. In fish, with their fantastic onion smell great, and the brain - a pimple. The man - on the contrary. It turned out that a man - and only he - is engaged in processing information, not only the bulb, but also the brain. Scientists now believe that once our brains began to grow and because he started to serve the sense of smell. And then grew stronger and took on additional roles and became what was. | More Fun On Group Blog   
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